Cheating in Rainbow Six Siege, Even Once, to Result in Permabans
Ubisoft is pulling no punches with cheaters and hackers. Ubisoft announced today that it is implementing a zero-tolerance policy for cheaters and hackers in Rainbow Sixer Siege , with front prison term offenders receiving a permanent ban. "Nowadays we are introducing a permanent ban connected first offense for cheating or hacking in Rainbow Six Beleaguering," a post on the Rainbow Six Siege internet site reads. "The presence of foul in the game is something we take very severely, and is a priority on the development team. This update is one ill-use among many that we are workings happening to break engage with the community on this issue." Per the post, here's what could soil you a permanent ban: "Cheating/Modding/Hacking: Actor is running a modified or otherwise unauthorized edition of the game client or a tierce political par...